How To Filter Out Test Purchases From Your Marketing Report

If you create test orders to make sure all your systems are in place, then you may have been faced with your test orders being shown in your reports. 

This has caused you to waste time removing them from your final report... until now

With a few clicks, you can create a report that automatically removes test orders from your marketing report.

Here are 3 ways to do this:

If You Refund or Cancel the Test Purchase

1. Since we are going to create a report for a purchase, we will go to the "Revenue" report.

2. Next, we'll be looking at purchases within the last month. Use the calendar in the top right to choose the date range you want to filter your new purchases for.

3. We will now want to filter out any purchases that have been refunded. To do this, create a filter for "Invoice Status" "has been refunded" "In Date Range"

If You Create Test Using a Smaller Pricepoint

If your test purchases are at a low price point, (for example, $1) you can filter out purchases that are set to that low price.

1. Since we are going to create a report for a purchase, we will go to the "Revenue" report.

2. Next, we'll be looking at purchases within the last month. Use the calendar in the top right to choose the date range you want to filter your new purchases for.

3. We will now want to include a price range in the report and filter out your test purchase price. T Create a filter for "Product Price" "Between" "[A dollar amount higher than your test puchase]" "[max price]"

If You Delete the Purchase in Your CRM

This one is straight-forward. If you delete the test purchase in your CRM, it will also be removed from your SegMetrics reporting.

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