How To View All Your Leads No Matter When They Were Created

If you want to create a report on leads no matter when they were created, you can do this in a few moments in your SegMetrics account. This is useful when you want to see how a certain opt-in page or ad is performing year-round.

 1. When you create a new contact report, by default you will need to choose which timeframe you want to create the report for. But, because we want to view all of our leads no matter when they were created, we will go straight to step 2.

2. Since we don't want the date range in our report, we will simply want to remove this filter by clicking the “X”.

This is all you have to do to view all your leads no matter when they were created!

Want To Dive In Deeper?

If you want to get even more detailed and see, for example, who clicked on a specific ad no matter the time frame, you can add a new filter “Clicked Ad Name” “equals” “[ad name]”

By simply removing the "Contact Created" filter from your report, you can quickly see how different URLs and ads are performing throughout the weeks, months, and years.

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