Connect Criteo Ad Tracking with SegMetrics

When tracking Criteo Ads with SegMetrics, you will need to configure your ads with the appropriate tracking value.

In order for SegMetrics to track your ad-spend effectively, you need to add ad_id={bannerid} to the URL Parameters on each of your ads. Instructions for this can be found on Criteo's site, here.

If you would like to automatically generate your UTM values from your ads as well, you can use the following URL Parameters to track the ad-spend as well as UTM values in SegMetrics.


Here's how to set up your ad-tracking for Criteo

  1. Make sure that the SegMetrics Tracking Pixel is installed on your site & landing pages.
  2. From your Integrations Page, click on "Manage Settings" for Criteo, and choose "Install Ad Tracking"
  3. Here will be a list of all the ads that we've detected as currently being active, and need to be updated.
  4. Go into Criteo to install the tracking values into the appropriate ads.

Warning about URL Shorteners

It has come to our attention that most URL Shorteners will remove all UTM and Ad Tracking from the final URL,which breaks tracking in SegMetrics, Google Analytics, Keap, and any other tracking systems that you may use. We highly recommend using your FULL URL when creating ads, or use a custom redirection service that will keep the UTM and Ad Tracking values.

You can test this by taking your link shortener, and adding ?utm_campaign=test to the end of it.


Shortened URL
Test URL

If your final URL has the UTM value still attached, then your URL shortener will work. If not, we recommend using the full URL.

(NOTE: USED to pass UTM values to the final page, but they discontinued that feature. Be mindful that third party systems can change at any time)

Tracking URLs in Posts

When you update the Ad Tracking for promoted posts, Criteo will automatically update any links in the body of the ad copy for that specific ad, just like it would for any other CTA.

That means that all your promoted post and page ads track clicks and conversion through to SegMetrics, without modifying your original post.

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