Connect Clickbank with SegMetrics

Connect SegMetrics to ClickBank to automatically send all your new ClickBank sales into your SegMetrics account. 

What you’ll need for this integration: 

Configure a Custom Payment Integration in SegMetrics

The custom payment integration will allow you to send in sales data from ClickBank into SegMetrics. You can think of the custom integration as the gateway between your SegMetrics and ClickBank account.

To set up the custom integration in SegMetrics:

  1. Head over to your SegMetrics Integrations page
  2. Find and click on the Custom Payment Integration
  3. Give your custom integration a descriptive name, such as “ClickBank”
  4. Click Create Custom Integration

Take note of the following credentials included with the custom payment integration. These credentials are unique to your account:

  • Account ID
  • Integration ID
  • API Key

Go ahead and leave that page open while you configure the next section (Zapier). If you closed that page, no worries. You can always access those credentials by: 

  1. Navigating to the integrations page
  2. Click the Gear icon on the individual integration
  3. Select Configure Settings.

Configuring Your Zap

To make this setup as easy as possible, we created a handy Zap template for you to use. You can access the template here. Unless you need to make any changes, we’d recommend using the template as is.

Zap Trigger

With the Zap template, you’ll see ClickBank as the “Trigger” step. The trigger step is defined by Zapier as — “an event that starts your Zap.” 

Although the template should include all of the data points you’ll need, below you’ll find the instructions for that trigger step.

Setting the Zap’s Trigger Step:

  1. Choose app & event: ClickBank
  2. Trigger Event: New Sale
  3. Choose account: Connect your ClickBank account to Zapier
  4. Test Trigger: Zapier searches through your recent ClickBank sale to find sample data for testing purposes

Zap Action(s)

The Zap template includes two action steps for SegMetrics: Add or update a contact, and Add or update an order

Add or update a contact

NOTE: If you’ve already connected to another CRM or email tool that is sending your customer email address into SegMetrics, you can remove this individual action step and move directly to the Add or Update and Order action step.

The first action in the Zap sends the customer’s email address into SegMetrics. 

Here are the following parameters that are configured in the Zap template by default:

  • Contact email: Email
  • Contact first name: First Name
  • Contact last name: Last Name

Add or update an order

The Second action will send the customer’s order into SegMetrics.

Here are the following parameters that are configured in the Zap template by default:

  • Contact email: Email
  • Invoice Id: ID
  • Invoice Date: Transaction Time
  • Invoice Total: Total Order Amount
  • Invoice Amount Paid: Total Order Amount
  • Is refunded: False
  • Product Name: Line Item Data Product Title
  • Product Id: Line Item Data Item No
  • Product Price: Line Item Data Account Amount

Enable Your Zap

Once have your Zap fully configured, turn your Zap on by toggling the slider to the ON position:

Now all new sales from ClickBank will flow directly into your SegMetrics account!

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