SegMetrics Facebook and Google Chrome Extension

Our Chrome extension provides a side-by-side comparison of the advertising data in your SegMetrics account from inside Google and Facebook ads managers. 

Keep in mind, the data from SegMetrics should be slightly different then what you see in Facebook.

In this article:

  • Where to download the SegMetrics Chrome extension
  • How to Install the SegMetrics Chrome extension
  • How to display and choose what SegMetrics data you can view within your ads manager

Download the extension:

Use this link to download the chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Install the extension:

Once its downloaded go to your ads manager and click on the extension to add your account ID and API Key to install it.

Both your account ID and API Key can be found in your account settings here.

How to display side by side data:

Once you’ve entered your account credentials, you will see SegMetrics chrome extension operating on the right side of the page. When you change your ads manager page from campaigns, ads, or adsets, the extension will automatically update.

Here's an ex in google ads manager:

Here is an ex in FB ads manager:


You can adjust the metrics shown to you by clicking on the gear icon located at the bottom of the extension

You will then have a few options. You can change the attribution model to show either first or last touch. You can also add different metrics to view. Many of the things you can see in a SegMetrics report is now available to see in the extension. We are continuously working to keep expanding these possible metrics.

If you’re not yet seeing the data from your SegMetrics account, give the ads manager browser window a quick refresh. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, double check the date range you are currently viewing inside of your ads managers.

If you need to log out to switch SegMetrics accounts you can find the logout button next to the account name in the settings

Thats it, you are done and now ready to see your SegMetircs data side by side within your ads manager!

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