Using SegMetrics Chrome Extension in Facebook

With the SegMetrics Chrome extension you will have the ability to overlay your SegMetrics data within your Facebook ads manager. Keep in mind, the data from SegMetrics should be slightly different then what you see in Facebook.

In this article:

  • Where to download the SegMetrics Chrome extension
  • How to download the SegMetrics Chrome extension
  • How to display and choose what SegMetrics data you can view within your ads manager

Chrome Extension: 

  1. Download the SegMetrics chrome extension here. Log into your Facebook ads manager and pull up the below screen

  2. Click on the chrome extension symbol
  3. Click on SegMetrics for chrome extension 

  4. Enter your account ID and api key. 
    1. These can be found in your account settings

  1. You should see the SegMetrics column appear within your FB metrics: 

  1. If you click on that column it will expand to show additional metrics: 

  1. To customize these metrics click on the SegMetrics chrome extension: 

  1. Thats it you are done and now ready to see your SegMetircs data overlayed within your FB ads manager!

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