How to View All Leads at the Same Time


Welcome to the world of enhanced marketing insights! This article will help answer how to recognize and change your contact view within each report 

Main Topics Covered:

1. How do I view all my contacts at once?

2. How do I view my contacts no matter when they were created? 

3. How do I change and specify contacts shown based on when they were created?

  1. How do I view all my contacts at once? Everything, everywhere, all at once. 
    1. If you want to ensure you are viewing all contacts you can go to a New Leads Report.
    2. Select “Add Filter” at the top and choose “Contact Attributes” 

    3. Select the “Contact Created” option. The filter will then be set in date range. 
    4. Select “in date range” and choose “Anytime” 

    5. You should then see your report repopulate with every single lead/contact SegMetrics has from your CRM. The report may take some time to load depending on how many contacts you have in your CRM 

  1. How do I vIew my contacts no matter when they were created? 
    1. In any other report besides the New Leads report, your contacts will be shown based on the filtered criteria, not when they were created. 
      1. For ex. If you are in an orders report, it will show you every contact/customer who made a purchase in the report date range, regardless of when the user was created

  2. How do I change and specify contacts shown based on when they were created?
    1. Sometimes you want to look at a report and only view a cohort of leads that entered your system during a certain time period. 
      1. For ex. you are using an orders report, and you want to see how many conversions only the new people in your system have. 
      2. To do this, click the filter “Add Filter” button in the top left of the report and choose “Contact Attributes”

    2. Select “Contact Created”. This will now only show you contacts that have come into your CRM within the date range of the report. 
    3. If the date range shows 30 days, the result would be only looking at orders from people who have opted into your system within the last 30 days. 
    4. You can specify which date range the contact came in separately from the report by selecting the date range. 

    5. You now have multiple options to choose from. 
      1. For ex. you only want to see orders in July for the contacts that came into your system during the month of June. By selecting “Between Dates” shown above, you can specify exactly that. 
      2. This would allow the report default date range to persist and show orders in one date range, yet show contacts from a completely separate date range.

FAQ / Gotchas:

Q: What is a lead vs a contact vs an opt-in vs customer?

A: A lead is a user in SegMetrics imported from your CRM. In some reports a lead is a user that performed an action but may not have purchased.

A: A contact is a user in SegMetrics imported from your CRM. The contact definition can be interchangeable with either a lead or a customer.

A: An opt-in is a user that has chosen to opt-into your CRM. Whether this be a signup for something or a purchase. If they end up in your CRM, they have opted in.

A: A customer is a conversion. Its a lead or contact that makes a purchase and is then defined by SegMetrics as a customer. All customers are leads but not all leads are customers. 

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