How To Track And Report On UTM Parameters in SegMetrics

UTM parameters are a great way to track your ad campaigns, social media links and partner referral links, among other things. Check out this guide for more on what UTM parameters are and how to use them.

Use The SegMetrics Tracking Code To Track UTMs

The SegMetrics tracking pixel is a short snippet of Javascript that allows us to report on your UTM values and Referring URLs (and more coming soon).

If you didn’t set this up while integrating your account during the onboarding process, don’t sweat it. We got you covered.

Click here to see How To Implement The SegMetrics Tracking Code

Once the code is on your site SegMetrics will capture all UTM values (campaign, medium, source, content, term).

Custom Field Mapping For UTM Parameters

Some of you may have already been capturing UTM Parameters, Referring URLs or Optin URLs in Keap using Custom Fields (a lot of people use iTracker360 to do this).

Going forward, SegMetrics can capture this data for you, but if you want to import your existing data into SegMetrics -- so that you can use our reporting to uncover marketing insights in the data you’ve already collected -- you can do that.

Navigate to the Integrations screen in your Account Settings, and choose Configure Custom Fields from the Manage Settings button.

During the account integration process we will have imported the names of all of your Keap fields. Select the Custom Fields from the dropdown menus that match each of the following:

  • utm_source
  • utm_content
  • utm_medium
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_term
  • Referring URL: The URL of the site that referred the contact to your site before they opted into your list
  • Optin URL: The page of your site on which someone first opted into your list

Once you have matched your Custom Fields to our SegMetrics Fields, click “Set Custom Field Mapping” and we will begin blending your data.

Once your Custom Fields have been mapped your historical data will be blended with the data that SegMetrics collects through the SegMetrics code.

Reporting On UTM Parameters

Navigate to the New Leads Report page.

Scroll down to the Table Reports and select “UTM Source” or “UTM Campaign” from the Table Report selector.

Select UTM Campaign and see reporting on your Campaigns or select UTM Source and see reporting on your Sources.

This table shows all of the key metrics for your UTM Source or UTM Campaign values, including:

  • Leads: The number of New Leads acquired during the given timeframe
  • Customers: The number of those New Leads who have have purchased something
  • Conv.%: New Buyers / New Leads
  • Revenue: The amount of all-time Revenue generated by the New Leads
  • Lead Value: Lead Revenue / New Leads

Use these metrics to determine the value of leads with your different Campaign and Source values.

Showing Only Certain UTM Values in a Report

Navigate to the New Leads or Orders Report page.

Click the “Add Filter” button, and choose the UTM Value you want to search for.

Type in the Campaign, Source, Medium, Content and/or Term values you want to segment.

Click Add Filter

You can select as many UTM values as you want to include in your Segment. Note that the Segment will now include all Contacts who have any -- but not necessarily all -- of those UTM values. In other words, this is an “OR rule” and not an “AND rule”.

Once you are happy with your Segment, click “Apply Filters”.

The Detail Report will now show data for only people with the UTM values you have selected. This is helpful for performing deep-dive analyses of your ad campaigns, referral campaigns, social media posts or whatever you use UTM tracking parameter for.

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