Cancellations in Keap

Keap has no internal data-point for a Canceled At date. There is an available End Date data point, but that is not automatically set by Keap, and can't be relied on to be set to the actual date of cancellation.

Thus, we use the following calculation to determine the date of cancellation:

  1. If the status is currently set to "Active" then the subscription is not cancelled
  2. If the status is currently set to "Inactive" and there is an End Date set in Keap, use that date.
  3. If the status is currently set to "Inactive" and there is no End Date, then use the last billed date (which Keap calls the PaidThruDate)

For Keap, that means that as soon as the subscription is canceled by the customer, the subscription is set to "canceled" even if there is a "grace period" remaining on the subscription.

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