SegMetrics Filter Dictionary

The Definition Of Every SegMetrics Filter

There are a limitless number of reports you can create in just moments and to make this easier for you, we've provided the meaning of each SegMetrics filter below.

Category: Ad

Category: Contacts

Category: Event

Category: Purchase

How Filters are Applied

Filters can be applied at multiple levels throughout your report. When the same filter is present at multiple levels, the more specific ones take precedence over the more general ones.

  1. Report Base Filters:
    These are the filters that are applied by default to all reports. You can check which filters are being applied by clicking on the question mark icon next to the report's date range.
  2. Segment Filters:
    When you include a saved Segment in your report, the filters from those segments are added to the report. These may override the base Report Filters:
  3. Report Filters:
    Report filters are defined on a specific report, and override filters included in both Segment and Base filters.

Utilizing Regular Expressions in Filters

Returns contacts whose data attributes match the given regular expression.

In the example above, the report returns any contact who has either the newsletter or seq-eg: Webinar- Attend. Contacts who have both tags are also included.

If you’re not up to speed with regular expressions, check out the following help resources from Google Analytics and Loves Data.

Category: Ad

Ad Account

Contacts who clicked any ad in the specified ad account

Clicked Ad

Contacts who clicked any ad in the specified timeframe

Clicked Ad Campaign

Contacts who clicked any ad in the specified ad campaign

Clicked Ad Name

Contacts who clicked the specified ad

Clicked Ad Set

Contacts who clicked any ad in the specified ad set

Category: Contacts

Contact Affiliate

Contacts who have a lead affiliate set to the specified affiliate

Contact Created

Contacts who were created in the specified date range

Contact Custom Field

Contacts who have a custom field set with the specified value

Contact Email

Contacts who have the specified email address 

Contact List

Contacts who belong to a specific CRM list (only applies to certain CRMs)

Contact Optin URL 

No longer used (Use the Contact Custom Field)

Contact Referrer

No longer used (Use the Contact Custom Field)

Contact Tag 

Contacts who have the specified tag applied to them

Contact UtmCampaign

No longer used (Use the Contact Custom Field)

Conact UtmContent

No longer used (Use the Contact Custom Field)

Contact UtmMedium

No longer used (Use the Contact Custom Field)

Category: Event

Click Referrer

Contacts who have ever clicked on a link from the specified external domain.

Click URL

Contacts who have ever clicked on a link containing the specified URL.

Click UtmCampaign

Contacts who have ever clicked on a link containing the specified UTM Campaign.

Click UtmContent

Contacts who have ever clicked on a link containing the specified UTM Content.

Click UtmMedium

Contacts who have ever clicked on a link containing the specified UTM Medium.

Click UtmSource

Contacts who have ever clicked on a link containing the specified UTM Source.

Click UtmTerm

Contacts who have ever clicked on a link containing the specified UTM Term.

First Referrer

Contacts who's first visit to your site was from a link from the specified external domain.

First Tracking Link

Contacts who's first visit to your site was from the specified Tracking Link.

First Visit URL

Contacts who's first visit to your site was from a link containing the specified URL.

First Visit UtmCampaign

Contacts who's first visit to your site was from a link containing the specified UTM Campaign.

First Visit UtmContent

Contacts who's first visit to your site was from a link containing the specified UTM Content.

First Visit UtmMedium

Contacts who's first visit to your site was from a link containing the specified UTM Medium.

First Visit UtmSource

Contacts who's first visit to your site was from a link containing the specified UTM Source.

First Visit UtmTerm

Contacts who's first visit to your site was from a link containing the specified UTM Term.

Optin Referrer

Contacts who's last click before opting in was from a link from the specified external domain.

Optin Tracking Link

Contacts who's last click before opting in was from the specified Tracking Link.

Optin URL

Contacts who's last click before opting in was from a link containing the specified URL.

Optin UtmCampaign

Contacts who's last click before opting in was from a link containing the specified UTM Campaign.

Optin UtmContent

Contacts who's last click before opting in was from a link containing the specified UTM Content.

Optin UtmMedium

Contacts who's last click before opting in was from a link containing the specified UTM Medium.

Optin UtmSource

Contacts who's last click before opting in was from a link containing the specified UTM Source.

Optin UtmTerm

Contacts who's last click before opting in was from a link containing the specified UTM Term.

Purchase Referrer

Contacts who's last click before making a purchase was from a link from the specified external domain.

Purchase Tracking Link

Contacts who's last click before making a purchase was from the specified Tracking Link.

Purchase URL

Contacts who's last click before making a purchase was from a link containing the specified URL.

Purchase UtmCampaign

Contacts who's last click before making a purchase was from a link containing the specified UTM Campaign.

Purchase UtmContent

Contacts who's last click before making a purchase was from a link containing the specified UTM Content.

Purchase UtmMedium

Contacts who's last click before making a purchase was from a link containing the specified UTM Medium.

Purchase UtmSource

Contacts who's last click before making a purchase was from a link containing the specified UTM Source.

Purchase UtmTerm

Contacts who's last click before making a purchase was from a link containing the specified UTM Term.

Tracking Link Click

Contacts who have ever clicked on the specified Tracking Link.

Category: Purchase

Invoice Amount

Only include invoices where the total is greater than the amount specified

Invoice Products

Contacts who have made an order containing the specified product name. This will return all products in the order in the revenue calculations, as long as the specified product is also included.

Invoice Status

Filters the various types of invoice statuses, such as "new," "paid", etc

Number of Invoices

Contacts who have made a number of orders in the specified range

Payment Note

Only include invoices that include the specified text in the payment note (only applies to certain payment processors)

Payment Type

Only include purchases that include the specified payment type (only applies to certain payment processors)

Purchase Created

Contacts who have an order created in the specified date range

Product Name

Contacts who have an order with the specified product name. This will only return revenue and purchases related to this product. If you would like to include other products in the same invoice, see " invoice="" products"="" below.="" <="" p="">

Product Price

Contacts who have purchased a product within a price range

Purchase Affiliate

Only include purchases that are attributed to the specified affiliate

Purchase Type

Only include purchases that are of the type specified (tax, subscription, shipping, product, etc)

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