Revenue Reports

Revenue reports are reports which focus on your transaction data within a specified date range. Get better insight into which products are driving your revenue.

Run a New Revenue Report

By default, when you run a new Revenue report, the report returns key performance indicators related to the cohort for the last 30 days.  

To run a new revenue report

  1. From the left sidebar, click Revenue
  2. Apply filters to return revenue data

Once you’ve got your base Revenue report, you can apply a number of different filters to return the data points you’d like to view. 

To add additional filters to your Revenue report:

  1. Click + Add Report Filter
  2. Select the filter(s) you’d like to apply
  3. Click Apply Filters

Once you’ve applied your new filter(s), the report will return only the relevant cohort data in your account from the specific date range. 

Looking for more clarity on report filters? Check out our Filter Dictionary to learn more about what each filter returns.

Understanding The Revenue Report Metrics

When you run a Revenue report, SegMetrics returns 5 key performance indicators (KPIs) that we believe to be the most important:

  • Customers: any contacts that fit the report filters who have also purchased a product that fits the report filters.
  • Revenue: the amount of money that you will make if all invoices are paid in full, otherwise known as sales. Collected Revenue can be found under the "Collections" report.
  • Orders: the number of distinct Invoices that were created during this timeframe. A single order may contain multiple Invoice Items.
  • Average Order Value (AOV): displays how much customers are normally spending with you when they make a purchase. Increasing your AOV is a great way to increase revenue without having to improve lead generation or conversion rate. One-Click Upsells and Upgrades are a great way to increase your AOV.
    - Calculation: Revenue/Number of invoices
  • Customer Value: a calculation of the revenue that customers in this report have generated, from purchases in this report. Understanding your Customer Value helps you know how much you can expect to generate from every new customer you bring in.
    - Calculation: Revenue/Number of customers

Save Your Revenue Report

When you save your revenue report, the report can be quickly accessed from the Saved Reports area in your account. The report will save all applied filters.

To save your report:

  1. From the top of the report, click Save
  2. Give the report a descriptive name
  3. Select the Preview KPI
  4. Select either Timespan or Rolling
  5. Click Save Report

To access your saved reports, click "Saved Reports" from the left sidebar in your account.

Table vs. Chart Report Views

Beyond the 5 KPIs displayed in your Revenue reports, the report also returns that data at a more granular level. Directly below the KPIs, you’ll notice the report can be broken down into either a Table or Chart (default) view. 

Chart View:

The Chart is a visualization of the data returned from the report cohort. Since this is a Revenue report, the chart defaults to a line chart that displays your total revenue acquisition for the date range set in the report. By default the chart breaks revenue down by “Day” for the date range in the report.

You can use the filter drop-down to switch up the data you’d like to view. Switching up the filters in the chart will not affect the 5 KPIs returned in the report.

Table View:

The Table view in your Revenue report breaks your metrics down even further. When you click into the table view, the data will display the individual products attributed to the cohort. 

You can switch up the data displayed inside of the report table by modifying the filter located at the top of the table.

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