Connect Streak with SegMetrics

Connect your SegMetrics account to Streak and pull in all of your historical leads and deal data. You can then use that data to create reports inside SegMetrics.

Integrate Streak and SegMetrics

First, integrate your Streak account with your SegMetrics account

To integrate with Streak:

  1. Head over to the Integrations page in your SegMetrics account
  2. Click on the Streak integration

Note: You can connect to a single CRM or Email tool at a time. If you’ve already connected to a CRM or email tool, you’ll need to disconnect from that tool in order to integrate with Streak.

  1. Enter your Streak API Key
  2. Click Connect Streak

Once integrated, SegMetrics imports all historical contact and deal information from your Streak pipelines.

How much historical data is synced when you first connect Streak to SegMetrics?

When you connect a new Streak data source, all historical data from your Streak account is synced.

Pro Tip: Once your Streak Data Source is connected and actively syncing data, we store the data that's collected in our own database. This allows us to accumulate more data over time as more data syncs are made so that you can report on more historical Streak data in your SegMetrics reports.

Reporting on Streak Data

Now that you have Streak connected to your SegMetrics account, you can start running reports and using Streak data to filter and segment. 

With our Streak integration, you can filter on the following data:

  • Contacts data
  • Deal data

For example, run a New Leads report to see the total number of new leads added to your Streak pipelines in the given time period.

Use the Deal filters to filter your reports by deal name, pipeline name, pipeline stage name, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What time zone is Streak data synced in?

Streak data is synced in UTC. SegMetrics reports on your data based in the timezone that you set in your Account Settings.

Do I need the tracking pixel to get the data found in my Streak account?

You do not need to create a Tracking Link for SegMetrics to track website visitors, it will still gather the UTM data. Tracking Links provide a simple way to get further detail of exactly which link they clicked for ads, email broadcasts, or campaigns.

To learn how to create a tracking link, click here to be taken to our URL builder quick walkthrough.

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