How to track sales from ActiveCampaign


This support document will guide you through the process of viewing revenue generated from your ActiveCampaign campaigns and utilizing the ActiveCampaign Pipeline Report within SegMetrics. By integrating SegMetrics with ActiveCampaign, you can gain valuable insights into both the financial performance and sales pipeline, stages, and deals of your marketing efforts. Tracking your sales revenue from ActiveCampaign within SegMetrics is intuitive and convenient. This comprehensive view allows you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns, maximize revenue, and effectively manage your sales process.

Main Topics Covered:

  1. How to connect ActiveCampaign revenue to SegMetrics
  2. Understanding ActiveCampaign revenue and how to see it within SegMetrics
  3. How to see pipeline, stages, and deal revenue with SegMetrics 
  4. Where to find revenue based on products and click attribution 
  5. FAQ’s and Gotchas
  6. Reference to additional support/documentation

1. Connect ActiveCampaign Revenue Info in SegMetrics:

Before you can view ActiveCampaign revenue information in SegMetrics, you need to ensure that the feature is toggled on. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your SegMetrics account.

Step 2: From the main dashboard, navigate to the "Integrations" section.

Step 3: Locate the ActiveCampaign integration and click on the gear icon

Step 4: In the ActiveCampaign integration settings, find the option to toggle revenue information.

Step 5: Make sure the toggle next to “import payment data from ActiveCampaign” is toggled on and is blue

2. Understanding the ActiveCampaign Revenue Report:

The ActiveCampaign Revenue Report provides an overview of the revenue generated from your ActiveCampaign campaigns. It offers valuable insights into the financial performance of your marketing efforts. The report includes key metrics such as revenue by campaign, revenue by source, and revenue by contact. It enables you to analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns, identify high-performing sources, and track individual contact revenue.

3. Using Filters and Date Ranges:

On the left side of your SegMetrics account, click on Conversions and select Orders  To refine the data displayed in the ActiveCampaign Revenue Report, you can use filters and date ranges, here's how:

Step 1: On the ActiveCampaign Revenue Report page, locate the filter options on the left-hand side.

Step 2: Click on the drop-down menus to select specific campaigns, sources, or contacts to focus on.

Step 3: To narrow down the time frame, choose a predefined date range or specify a custom range using the calendar tool.

Step 4: As you apply the filters and date ranges, the report will dynamically update to reflect the selected criteria.

Step 5: For more information on filters and date ranges, see additional documentation towards the bottom of this article. 

4. Utilizing the ActiveCampaign Deals Report:

The ActiveCampaign Deals Report within SegMetrics allows you to track your sales pipeline and monitor the progress of leads and opportunities. Here's how to access and utilize it:

Step 1: On the left side of your SegMetrics account, click on conversions and select Deal Pipeline

Step 2: You can scroll down to the table and see Deals, Stages, and Pipelines

One way to utilize SegMetrics would be to select a deal, stage, or pipeline as your filter

Step 3: Click on the other option and select whichever metric you would now like to see how it has contributed to that deal, stage, or pipeline.

In the below example, you can now see which ad campaigns have influenced deals within one of the stages

By following these instructions, you'll be able to toggle ActiveCampaign revenue information within SegMetrics, view comprehensive reports, and leverage valuable insights to optimize your marketing campaigns and maximize revenue. Should you require additional assistance or have further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team for prompt and friendly assistance.

5. FAQ’s and Gotchas

Q: What time zone is ActiveCampaign data synced in?

A: ActiveCampaign data is synced in UTC. SegMetrics reports on your data based on the timezone that you set in your Account Settings.

Q: Why am I not seeing all my leads in SegMetrics?

A: After you connect ActiveCampaign to SegMetrics for the first time it will take several hours before you can see your leads within a report. An email will be sent to you when the initial import is complete. 

The other important thing to know is ActiveCampaign doesn’t consider a contact to be marketable unless they belong to at least one list in your ActiveCampaign account.

For native ActiveCampaign forms, contacts are added automatically, but for integrations such as Deep Data, Zapier, Calendly and more, new contacts are not added to a list automatically.

In order to fix this, you need to set up an automation within ActiveCampaign to add new contacts, and then add all your existing contacts.

Q: How can I set up my email links to get click rates from my ActiveCampaign emails?

A: To do this, add the SubscriberId to your link with "seg_cid=%SUBSCRIBERID%".

Here is what the finished link should look like:

That will tell SegMetrics who is visiting the page, even if they're on a different device.

Q: How do I create a report on my client invoices paid and cart sales found in ActiveCampaign?

A: We use the E-Commerce that comes through ActiveCampaign's "Deep Data Integrations".

If you're looking to use it for more invoice paid clients, using a funnel report might be preferable, as you can set out each step that a client should take through the process (sales call, signup, invoice, payments, etc). 

6. References to additional support documentation 

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